Email marketing is a super good way to reach your target audience directly and contributes to a higher conversion. Provided you make the right choices. We know when it works and how to put down a solid email marketing strategy.

When to use email marketing?

  • To contribute to branding and visibility: structurally or as part of a campaign.
  • To increase the conversion. • For lead generation.
  • To enrich your database.

What does Africa Influencer Agency do?

  • We Create an email marketing strategy: How, when, with what content, frequency and in what form should your newsletter or email be sent?
  • Design of the newsletter
  • Content creation (video, text, visuals, whitepapers).
  • We use our databases and our own newsletters
  • We send the newsletter on basis of our database and possibly on the basis of your database.
  • We Enrich your database.
  • We identify Kpi’s and indicate the results.


Does this email content pass the 7-second test?
Is there at least one clear call to action?
Is the subject line 50 characters or less?
Is the most important part of the subject line at the beginning?
Is your content focused on the recipient’s pain point or main concern?
Have you tested the email in multiple browsers and devices?
Have you segmented your list?
Within the segmented lis, have you made sure you excluded those who did not opt-in?

If it was my last dollar, I would spend it on PR

Bill Gates Founder Microsoft